Smoking Cabinet Butcherquip – 600Lt

SKU: SCB0600 Categories: , Tag:


* High quality all Stainless Stieel quality consruction
* Smoking and drying functions controlled with a simple to operate venting system
* Temperature controlled by a digital indicating electronic controller in the case of the 600Lt unit and via a thermostat control on the junior smoker
* The junior smoker drying cycle has natural convection
* The 600Lt smoker drying cycle has fan assisted convection
* The smoking cycle is achieved using natural convection with an ignition element for wood chips
* Inner parts easily removable for easy cleaning
* Smoked product has low mass loss
* Junior smoker fitted with electromechanical timer and time lapse signal to indicate completion of cycle.

15 x Aluminium rods
1 x Sawdust grid
1 x Ashtray
1 x Expanded mesh tray

Additional information


1280 x 770 x 2020mmCHAMBER SIZE: 1000 x 655 x 1020mm



